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Friday, September 5, 2008

My Action Sampler, and i PAINT on it

其实我还没有很了解lomo,只是偶尔在网络上有看到, 有听过, 有摸过, 有拍过一张(doreen, 那次的照片咧?) -.-
之前也因为好奇上网搜查了一下,大概了解了一点点。然后在youtube 再搜查一下, 我看到这个视频, 还蛮不错的,大家可以看一看: Lomo Documentary.
然后在中间的部分我看到了这种很熟悉的相机, 四个镜头的, 然后相片出来也是有四个位置有点偏移的影像。呃, 这种也是lomo的一种?如果是这种的话, 我家有啊,于是我又去翻了一下我家,(大家一定觉得奇怪,“你家真的酱多东西可以翻咩?”但是, 真的, 我家有3个store room, 加埋我爸的天台, 我自己的橱柜们,我弟的房间,再家埋我姑姑叔叔们很喜欢“拣东西” 很多东西可以翻的-.-)
于是, 我找到这个, 这个相机是某购物商场促销的时候送的, 那时候的我丫对相机没有很大的兴趣, 所以这个相机只用过了一次, 在1999年我们去了一趟Desaru 海边, 用过一次, 然后就收在我的橱里面一直到现在。间种一直觉得这个相机很顶位, 有想过要把它丢掉的念头, 但是爸爸说东西好好的干嘛要丢掉, 就这样一直一面忍受我的冷嘲热讽(每次找东西都觉得很碍眼〕乖乖的躺在我的橱柜里。

我把它找了出来, 因为这个星期日在B 的店有这个EVERYLOMOBODY
我跟Ireen 会去, Ireen 刚刚新买了一架Diana , 我只有普通的DG CAM-.-去到那里也不知道要作什么, 自己是有想要买一架但是不想这么仓促的去买, 我每次买一样东西前会先要彻底的了解该东西, 然后弄清楚什么是我要的什么是我不要的才会去买。
所以想说带这个去, 玩玩下也好。

i've been reading on this 'LOMO' thing quite some times ago coz seems like everybody is talking about it. i am a curious person :)
then i kind of like it after i read more and more 'bout them.
so i am going to get one for myself but not until i really know what i want for a lomo, and there's a lomo party at b's place on this coming sunday, i need one to get bz at that time or else i will look like a fool standing there and do nothing.
therefore i dig this out from somewhere at my house.
at first i din know this is some kind of lomo too, until i see this documentary about lomo in youtube, then i found out this is actually is a lomo too.

盒子是旧了点, 因为没有什么"动"它, 所以里面是还好好的。

well, this is it, still in good conditions

呃, 可是呢, 前面有这个"paxkson"的字眼, 实在是很蠢+不顺眼+baliar -.-
我本来以为只是sticker,拔掉就可以了, 抠了几下才发现,啧啧,以前paxkson还不错嘛,是整个印在上面的呢,
but, there's a label on it, and i think it is kind of stupid. i hate it.
actually i hate "labels"sometimes, especially those shirt or shoes or bags with some very BIG label on it, i think that is kind of stupid and lame. people who are wearing some BIG logo, trademark on them like paying that product to advertise for them. i love something that's without a "label" but very good in quality.

so i paint it with some acylic....

就这样, 把四周围用masking tape遮掉。
涂一层自己喜欢的颜色, 干了之后在写上自己的名字。

也许有人会觉得很寒酸还是很蠢吧, 但是我觉得。。管它的啦。

well, i know i know, some might say this is stupid, silly, and cheap.
but i think this is kind of cool, and crazy,
after all, this is just a tool.
why care that much

然后, 再换一条长一点的绳子, 熟悉我的朋友都知道, 我的钱包啊,电话等的东西, 如果我没有带一个大包包装它们的话, 我会把它们挂在颈项, 因为我患有 “不知不觉”症。东西常常拿在手上的话拿着拿着就不见了, 我会不知不觉的放开而完全不知觉。。。
所以我必须挂着它们 T_T

and, last but not least , a long velvet strape attached to it so i can hang this thing on my neck.

if u see me at b's place with this thing hanging on my neck please don't laugh at me T_T
especially you Ireen.


  1. 哇哇哇~

  2. 哦∼是老木相机啊!XD

  3. 哦!我找diana+ lomo 相机很久了,在JB都找不到 ! 有没有Lobang?! 竟然让我看到 JB 也有Lomo event... 我太震惊啦。。。好高兴JB也有这种文化。

  4. cool...i have Holga, is fun to have lomo camera...once u try..u will love it!!

  5. hi pearly,

    JB的话在这次这项活动的地点,也就是roost cafe 有在卖哦, 不然上网定购也很方便啊, 我朋友上网定购三天就收到货了, 可以去这里看看 其实在这里很多地方有在买只是数量、选择不多。

  6. evangelione : 哦,谢谢你。对于Lomo还有很多地方要学啊 。。。 可以的话我也想join你们 =)

  7. pearly,

  8. 傻瓜,有什么好笑的,你那个相机是好料也!


Thank you very much for your words :)