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Friday, August 14, 2009

MT masking tape

This is MT masking tape,

it is made of Japanese washi ( paper)

i been want to get this for a long time, finally i got it from etsy --> Washimatta (please refer to the shop for the price if you like to know), am so excited to got the parcel last saturday:)
it's taking longer than i expected to arrive but fortunately it didn't "dissappear" just like that.

you probably have notice them somewhere coz they are really "hot" quite some time ago, you may use them to wrappings, card making, all sorts of decorating and many many more, here you may find some interesting info about it:

all 20 colors of them, it's just so delighting to just look at them.
i'm gonna use them for goods wrappings.


  1. cant get tis in malaysia??? i think i saw it at somewhere...

  2. agnes,

    if local shop i'm not sure, but local online shop got, and it's very expensive, these i bought included postage is likr RM5.90 each, if buy local is RM15.90 each roll >__<, so is better to buy directly from japan

  3. included postage only rm5.9?? i want to buy too...:p

  4. 我是第一次来到你的blog, 很惊喜,很喜欢。我整整看了一天哦。。

  5. hi~也来看看你了~=]


Thank you very much for your words :)